

Working with Hi Mum! Said Dad and Bestinvest we refreshed the proposition and brand to attract a broader range of customers.

The Bestinvest proposition dashboard project, where financial goals are set, had already begun when I joined this project. My task was to work on everything else, which included the UX / UI and visual design of the trading flows, payments and summary screens. Using elements from the influx design system I created wireframes, flows and the final polished UI for handover to the development teams. There were existing technologies to consider and established systems and processes to work around.



Project type
Fintech web platform



UI / UX Designer


The designs for my accounts were refreshed with the new brand along with UI and UX improvements.

Summary screen for an ISA investmet

Summary screen for an ISA investmet

Breakdown screen showing the invest ISA investment allocation for the customers ISA

Breakdown screen showing the invest ISA investment allocation for the customers ISA

Monthly savings allocation for the customers ISA. In this case the customer has one active monthly cash payment and three active monthly investments into their ISA.

Monthly savings allocation for the customers ISA. In this case the customer has one active monthly cash payment and three active monthly investments into their ISA.

Mobile breakpoint designs

Mobile breakpoint designs


Selection of key screens from the trading and buy flows.

Buy now (Quote & deal) is selected by default, the accordion is default closed and "Specific number of units/shares" selected by default.

Buy now (Quote & deal) is selected by default, the accordion is default closed and "Specific number of units/shares" selected by default.

Different baskets for other products such as ISA are accessible via tabs. There is an indicator showing the number of product in each basket. This means the basket doesn't need to be cleared in the "browse investments" previous step

Different baskets for other products such as ISA are accessible via tabs. There is an indicator showing the number of product in each basket. This means the basket doesn't need to be cleared in the "browse investments" previous step

Mobile breakpoint

Mobile breakpoint